Tag: kabbalah

  • Spiritual Counseling and Kabbalah

    Spiritual Counseling and Kabbalah

    Spiritual counseling is a holistic approach to guidance that addresses the mind, body, heart, and soul.

  • The Spiritual Potential of Heart-Felt Connection

    The Spiritual Potential of Heart-Felt Connection

    A teaching about the Shekhinah — the Divine Presence — and how it lands in the relational field.

  • A Light in the Darkness: Retelling the Hanukkah Story for a New Generation

    A Light in the Darkness: Retelling the Hanukkah Story for a New Generation

    How can we pass on a story if we don’t believe it or if we don’t like its message? Ḥanukkah is quickly approaching. Each year I struggle with the same question of how to make this holiday meaningful for my kids.

  • Growing Because of, Not Despite, Difficulties

    Growing Because of, Not Despite, Difficulties

    Part of being human is having difficulties. And, our difficulties can come from any number of sources. For starters, change is constant and any change can be stressful – even a positive change!  So what are us mere mortals to do in the face of the inevitable difficulties?

  • Are All Rabbis Created Equal?

    Are All Rabbis Created Equal?

    Who is actually qualified to discuss Judaism today? How are different rabbis trained and who should you trust with your particular questions?

  • 5 Things Transpersonal Psychologists Should Know about Judaism

    5 Things Transpersonal Psychologists Should Know about Judaism

    Here are five golden nuggets from the world of Torah that transpersonal psychologists—and those they inspire—will benefit from knowing.

  • 12 Types of Kabbalah: A Guide for the Mystified

    12 Types of Kabbalah: A Guide for the Mystified

    What is Kabbalah anyways? The great number of ways the word “Kabbalah” is used can be overwhelming. Today, many different groups (often competing with one-another) teach divergent practices and philosophies of Kabbalah, often with unique origin stories for how this type of mysticism came to be. This article clarifies the differences and helps cut through…